Are You Running Your Business, Or Is Your Business Running You?
30th January 2025
A core part of our culture at Enhanced is focused on growing and developing our team. We take great pride in being part of our employee’s growth, holding reviews twice a year to look at what motivates each individual.
We recently welcomed our newest and first Infrastructure Apprentice, Dylan, following his interest in developing his skills in all things tech. As Dylan approaches his 3-month mark with Enhanced, we sat down to discuss why he pursued an apprenticeship in I.T.
My working hours are 9:00am – 5:30pm Monday to Friday. As an apprentice, I am advised by my training provider, (QA) to allocate 6 working hours per week to complete any apprenticeship-related work, they refer to this as ‘on the job’ hours. All my apprenticeship is accessed online, so I will occasionally have video calls with my tutor and classmates, to go through course material and modules before I am set tasks.
My tasks throughout a working day usually consist of prioritising build tickets, liaising with customers regarding any issues and dealing with tickets that are assigned to me by my manager. Following my progress plan with Enhanced, I’ve recently been added to the call queue meaning I’m now answering the phones and logging tickets all while keeping an eye on build tickets in order to ensure that I keep on top of my queue. In terms of tasks throughout a working week, not much generally changes, however the issues that you are dealing with change very frequently.
There are various challenges I face day to day, The main types of issues I face are customers having complex needs, and not knowing how to resolve their issues. In these particular cases, I have to think on my feet about how I can best support the customer and often I will refer them to another member of the team who can help them further.
I decided I didn’t want to go to university when I left sixth form. This was for various reasons, one being I wasn’t one hundred percent sure what I wanted to do, I didn’t want to commit a few years of my life to something unless I was completely sure that it was what I wanted to do and would benefit me in the future. That along with the student debt made me decide to look at alternative options. I ultimately decided that an apprenticeship was the route I wanted to go down because it would give me the job experience, the ability to continue learning and gaining experience that I don’t believe you can replicate in a classroom and the ability to earn money rather than incurring debt all at the same time. I believe I made the right choice as it is an amazing opportunity to be able to learn and absorb knowledge from those around you whilst gaining vast amounts of experience in the industry your career is in.
My goal while completing my apprenticeship is to gain as much knowledge and experience as possible so that by the end I have experienced every possible situation I can involving my job role. I also aim to get the best grade I possibly can out of the apprenticeship. While doing this I also aim to explore potential avenues I might like to go down in the future and see whether there are any areas I could see myself specialising in to refine my skills.
Enhanced are an I.T. Support and Solutions provider, empowering businesses through technology for 29 years. We’re proud of our team and are always looking for like-minded, dynamic and enthusiastic individuals to join us. With over 35.7% of staff progressing through the business, we support our people through every step of their career journey.
If you would like to find out more about Enhanced’s current opportunities, please do not hesitate to find out more.